alias chan if $dialog(chan) == $null { dialog -m chan chan }
dialog chan {
title " dELi ChanServ Control"
size -1 -1 185 175
option dbu
button "Kanal kaydet", 2, 5 5 55 10
button "Halfop Ekle",3, 65 5 55 10
button "Kanal Tanıt",4,5 17 55 10
button "halfop sil",5, 65 17 55 10
button "Açıklama Değiştir",6, 125 5 55 10
button "EntryMsg Değiş",7, 125 17 55 10
button "info Değiş",8, 5 42 55 10
button "Vop Ekle"9, 65 42 55 10
button "Password Değiş"10, 125 42 55 10
button "Sop Ekle",11, 5 54 55 10
button "Vop Sil",12, 65 54 55 10
button "SEND PASSWORD",13,125 54 55 10
button "Sop Sil",14, 5 66 55 10
button "Vop Listele",15, 65 66 55 10
button "Akick Ekle",16, 125 66 55 10
button "Sop listele",17, 5 78 55 10
button "Op User",18, 65 78 55 10
button "Aop Ekle",19, 5 91 55 10
button "De-Op User",20, 65 91 55 10
button "Ban User",21, 125 91 55 10
button "Aop Sil",22, 5 103 55 10
button "Voice User",23, 65 103 55 10
button "Unban User",24, 125 103 55 10
button "Aop Listele",25, 5 115 55 10
button "De-Voice User",26, 65 115 55 10
button "KeepTopic On",27, 5 128 40 10
button "KeepTopic Off",28, 50 128 40 10
button "TopicLock Off",29, 140 128 40 10
button "TopicLock On",30, 95 128 40 10
button "Get Key",31, 50 140 40 10
button "Topic Değiş",32, 5 140 40 10
button "mode LOck",33, 95 140 40 10
button "sil",34, 140 140 40 10
button "kaydını düşür",35, 5 30 55 10
button "Halfop Listele",36, 65 30 55 10
button "E-Mail Değiştir",37, 125 30 55 10
button "TAMAM",49, 140 153 40 10, ok
button "yardım",38, 5 153 40 10
button "Akick Sil",39, 125 78 55 10
button "UNBAN ME",40, 125 115 55 10
text "www.Sohbet.Net" ,50, 70 160 55 10
on *:Dialog:chan:sclick:*: {
if $did == 2 { .cs register #$$?="Kanal" $$?*="Password" $$?="Description" }
if $did == 3 { .cs halfop #$$?="Kanal" add $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 4 { .cs identify #$$?="Kanal" $$?*="Password" }
if $did == 5 { .cs halfop #$$?="Kanal" del $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 6 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" desc $$?="New Description" }
if $did == 7 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" entrymsg $$?="New Entry Message" }
if $did == 8 { .cs info #$$?="Kanal" }
if $did == 9 { .cs vop #$$?="Kanal" add $$?="NickName" }
if $did == 10 { .cs set $$?="Kanal" password $$?="New Password" }
if $did == 11 { .cs sop #$$?="Kanal" add $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 12 { .cs vop #$$?="Kanal" del $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 13 { .cs sendpass #$$?="Kanal" }
if $did == 14 { .cs sop #$$?="Kanal" del $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 15 { .cs vop #$$?="Kanal" list }
if $did == 16 { .cs akick #$$?="Kanal" add $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 17 { .cs sop #$$?="Kanal" list }
if $did == 18 { .cs op $$?="Kanal" $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 19 { .cs aop #$$?="Kanal" add $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 20 { .cs deop #$$?="Kanal" $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 21 { .cs ban #$$?="Kanal" $$?=Nickname" }
if $did == 22 { .cs aop #$$?="Kanal" del $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 23 { .cs voice #$$?="Kanal" $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 24 { .mode #$$?="Kanal" -b $$?="User Host/Mask i.e *" }
if $did == 25 { .cs aop #$$?="Kanal" list }
if $did == 26 { .cs devoice #$$?="Kanal" $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 27 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" keeptopic on }
if $did == 28 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" keeptopic off }
if $did == 29 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" topiclock off }
if $did == 30 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" topiclock on }
if $did == 31 { .cs getkey #$$?="Kanal" }
if $did == 32 { .topic #$$?="Kanal" $$?="Set New Kanal Topic" }
if $did == 33 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" mlock $$?="Set Kanal Mode Lock i.e +nt-sikp" }
if $did == 34 { .cs clear #$$?="Kanal" $$?="Select one: Modes - Excepts - Bans - Ops - Hops - Voices - Users" }
if $did == 35 { .cs drop #$$?="Kanal" }
if $did == 36 { .cs halfop #$$?="Kanal" list }
if $did == 37 { .cs set #$$?="Kanal" email $$?="New E-Mail Address" }
if $did == 38 { .cs help }
if $did == 39 { .cs akick #$$?="Kanal" del $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 40 { .cs unban #$$?="Kanal" $me }
alias nServ if $dialog(Nserv) == $null { dialog -ma nserv nserv }
dialog nserv {
title " NickServ Control"
size -1 -1 185 120
option dbu
button "Nick Kaydet",42, 5 5 55 10
button "ghos nick",43, 65 5 55 10
button "Secure On",44, 125 5 55 10
button "Nick İdent et",45, 5 18 55 10
button "Recover Nick",46, 65 18 55 10
button "Secure Off",47, 125 18 55 10
button "Nick Kaydı Sil",48, 5 30 55 10
button "Kill On",49, 65 30 55 10
button "Private On",50, 125 30 55 10
button "Info Nick",51, 5 42 55 10
button "Kill Off",52, 65 42 55 10
button "Private Off",53, 125 42 55 10
button "şifre Değiştir",54, 5 54 55 10
button "Host Ekle",55, 65 54 55 10
button "Link Nick",56, 125 54 55 10
button "E-mail Değiş",57, 5 66 55 10
button "Hostu Sil",58, 65 66 55 10
button "Unlink Nick",59, 125 66 55 10
button "Url Değiş",60, 5 78 55 10
button "Host Listele",61, 65 78 55 10
button "Hide",62, 125 78 55 10
button "Yardim",63, 5 92 50 10
button "TAMAM",64, 130 92 50 10, ok
text " Coder By dELi" ,70, 70 110 40 10
on *:dialog:nserv:sclick:*: {
if $did == 42 { .ns register $$?="Password" $$?="Email Address" }
if $did == 43 { .ns ghost $$?="Nickname" $$?*="Password" }
if $did == 44 { .ns set secure on }
if $did == 45 { .ns identify $$?*="Password" }
if $did == 46 { .ns release $$?="Nickname" $$?*="Password" }
if $did == 47 { .ns set secure off }
if $did == 48 { .ns drop $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 49 { .ns set kill on }
if $did == 50 { .ns set private on }
if $did == 51 { .ns info $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 52 { .ns set kill off }
if $did == 53 { .ns set private off }
if $did == 54 { .ns set password $$?="Password" }
if $did == 55 { .ns access add $$?="Nickname or host" }
if $did == 56 { .ns link $$?="Nickname" $$?="Password" }
if $did == 57 { .ns set email $$?="Email Address" }
if $did == 58 { .ns access del $$?="Nickname or host" }
if $did == 59 { .ns unlink $$?="Nickname" $$?="Password" }
if $did == 60 { .ns set url $$?="url" }
if $did == 61 { .ns access list }
if $did == 62 { .ns set Hide $$?="{EMAIL | USERMASK | QUIT}" $$?="{ON | OFF}" }
if $did == 63 { .ns help }
alias oserv if $dialog(oserv) == $null { dialog -ma oserv oserv }
dialog oserv {
title " OperServ Control"
size -1 -1 185 120
option dbu
button "Oper oL",66, 5 5 55 10
button "Kill",67, 65 5 55 10
button "Kill Clones",68, 125 5 55 10
button "Oper'den Çık",69, 5 18 55 10
button "Kline",70, 65 18 55 10
button "kanal Modesi",71, 125 18 55 10
button "Admin Ekle",72, 5 30 55 10
button "Gline Ekle",73, 65 30 55 10
button "Mode Sil",74, 125 30 55 10
button "Admin Sil",75, 5 42 55 10
button "Gline Sil",76, 65 42 55 10
button "kanal listesi",77, 125 42 55 10
button "Oper Ekle",78, 5 54 55 10
button "Akill Ekle",79, 65 54 55 10
button "User Listesi",80, 125 54 55 10
button "Oper Sil",81, 5 66 55 10
button "Akill Sil",82, 65 66 55 10
button "SQ-Line",83, 125 66 55 10
button "Rehash",84, 5 78 55 10
button "Restart",85, 65 78 55 10
button "SZ-Line",86, 125 78 55 10
button "Yardım",87, 5 92 50 10
button "TAMAM",88, 130 92 50 10, ok
text " CodEr ßy dELi" ,89, 70 100 40 10
on *:dialog:oserv:sclick:*: {
if $did == 66 { .oper $$?="Oper Nickname Or Code" $$?*="Oper Password" }
if $did == 67 { .kill $$?="Nickname" $$?="Reason" }
if $did == 68 { .os killclones $$?="Nickname" }
if $did == 69 { .mode $$?="Oper Nickname" -o }
if $did == 70 { .kline $$?="Address" $$?="Reason" }
if $did == 71 { .os mode $$?="Kanal" $$?="Mode" }
if $did == 72 { .os admin add $$?="Enter The Admin Nick You Whanna Add" }
if $did == 73 { .gline $$?="Enter User Host/Mask Or Adres" $$?="Time i.e (+1 '1 Day') (+2 '2 Day') (+0 is Dont Expire)" $$?="Reason" }
if $did == 74 { .os clearmodes all }
if $did == 75 { .os admin del $$?="Enter The Admin Nick You Whanna Del" }
if $did == 76 { .gline $$?="Enter User Host/Mask Or Adres With -" }
if $did == 77 { .os chanlist }
if $did == 78 { .os oper add $$?="Enter The Oper Nick You Whanna Add" }
if $did == 79 { .os akill add $$?="Time i.e (+1 '1 Day') (+2 '2 Day') (+0 is Dont Expire)" $$?="User Host/Mask Or Address" $$?="Reason" }
if $did == 80 { .os userlist }
if $did == 81 { .os oper del $$?="Enter The Oper Nick You Whanna Del" }
if $did == 82 { .os akill del $$?="User Host/Mask Or Address Or Num" }
if $did == 83 { .os sqline $$?="Time i.e (+1 '1 Day') (+2 '2 Day') (+0 is Dont Expire)" $$?="User Host/Mask Or Address" $$?="Reason" }
if $did == 84 { .rehash }
if $did == 85 { .os restart }
if $did == 86 { .os szline $$?="Time i.e (+1 '1 Day') (+2 '2 Day') (+0 is Dont Expire)" $$?="User Host/Mask Or Address" $$?="Reason" }
if $did == 87 { .operserv help }
alias memo if $dialog(memo) == $null { dialog -ma memo memo }
dialog memo {
title "MemoServ Control"
size -1 -1 185 120
option dbu
button "Send",90, 5 5 55 10
button "List"91, 65 5 55 10
button "Info",92, 125 5 55 10
button "oku 1",93, 5 18 55 10
button "oku 2",94, 65 18 55 10
button "oku 3",95, 125 18 55 10
button "oku 4",96, 5 30 55 10
button "oku 5",97, 65 30 55 10
button "oku 6",98, 125 30 55 10
button "oku 7",99, 5 42 55 10
button "Oku 8",100, 65 42 55 10
button "oku 9",101, 125 42 55 10
button "lis 1",102, 5 54 55 10
button "sil 2",103, 65 54 55 10
button "sil 3",104, 125 54 55 10
button "sil 4",105, 5 66 55 10
button "sil 5",106, 65 66 55 10
button "sil 6",107, 125 66 55 10
button "sil 7",108, 5 78 55 10
button "sil 8",109, 65 78 55 10
button "sil 9",110, 125 78 55 10
button "YARDIM",111, 5 92 50 10
button "TAMAM",112, 130 92 50 10, ok
text "Coder ßy dELi" ,89, 65 100 55 8
on 1:dialog:memo:sclick:*: {
if $did == 90 { .ms send $$?="Kanal Or Nick" $$?="Your Messages" }
if $did == 91 { .ms list }
if $did == 92 { .ms info }
if $did == 93 { .ms read 1 }
if $did == 94 { .ms read 2 }
if $did == 95 { .ms read 3 }
if $did == 96 { .ms read 4 }
if $did == 97 { .ms read 5 }
if $did == 98 { .ms read 6 }
if $did == 99 { .ms read 7 }
if $did == 100 { .ms read 8 }
if $did == 101 { .ms read 9 }
if $did == 102 { .ms del 1 }
if $did == 103 { .ms del 2 }
if $did == 104 { .ms del 3 }
if $did == 105 { .ms del 4 }
if $did == 106 { .ms del 5 }
if $did == 107 { .ms del 6 }
if $did == 108 { .ms del 7 }
if $did == 109 { .ms del 8 }
if $did == 110 { .ms del 9 }
if $did == 111 { .ms help }
alias Servisler if $dialog(servisler) == $null { dialog -ma servisler Servisler }
dialog Servisler {
title "Servisler"
size -1 -1 65 60
option dbu
button "Chanserv",1, 5 5 55 10
button "NickServ",2, 5 18 55 10
button "OperServ",3, 5 31 55 10
button "MemoServ"4, 5 44 55 10
on *:dialog:servisler:sclick:1:{ .dialog -x servisler | .chan }
on *:dialog:servisler:sclick:2:{ .dialog -x servisler | .Nserv }
on *:dialog:servisler:sclick:3:{ .dialog -x servisler | .Oserv }
on *:dialog:servisler:sclick:4:{ .dialog -x servisler | .memo }