menu menubar,channel,status {
» • Bağlantı Menü • «:conn
alias conn {
if ($dialog(connect) == $null) { dialog -m connect connect }
else { .echo -a -Bağlantı İletişim Menüsü Çalışıyor.. }
alias -l {
if ($exists(servers) == $false) { mkdir servers | write -c servers\delete.txt DELETE }
did -r $dname 101 | %g = 1
while ($findfile(servers\,*.txt,%g)) {
did -a $dname 101 $remove($nopath($findfile(servers\,*.txt,%g)),.txt)
inc %g
unset %g
alias -l conn.load.serv {
did -r $dname 201 | %f = servers\ $+ $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text | %f = %f $+ .txt | %g = 2
while ($read(%f,%g)) {
did -a $dname 201 $gettok($read(%f,%g),1,58)
inc %g
alias -l conn.rand.ident {
return $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9)
alias -l {
%kk = $1 $+ *
%l = $read(servers\ $+ $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text $+ .txt,w,%kk)
did -a $dname 602 $gettok(%l,2,58)
did -a $dname 604 $gettok(%l,4,58)
did -a $dname 505 $mid($gettok(%l,3,58),1,4)
did -a $dname 505 $mid($gettok(%l,3,58),6,4)
did -a $dname 505 $mid($gettok(%l,3,58),11,4)
did -a $dname 505 $mid($gettok(%l,3,58),16,4)
did -a $dname 505 $mid($gettok(%l,3,58),21,4)
did -a $dname 505 $mid($gettok(%l,3,58),26,4)
did -a $dname 505 $mid($gettok(%l,3,58),31,4)
did -c $dname 505 1 | unset %l %kk
alias -l {
set %addred $$?="Ağ Adı? Örnek: Sohbet"
write servers\ $+ %addred $+ .txt < $+ %addred $+ > | conn.load.serv
alias -l conn.add.serv {
if (!$did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text) { echo -at Please select the Network you would like to add the server. | halt }
set %addserv1 $$?="Add server from: $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text $+ . Ex:"
set %addserv2 $$?="Server Adı? Örnek: Sohbet"
set %addserv3 $$?="Ports?. Ex: 6667,6668"
set %addserv4 $$?="Server ülke. Örnek: TR, Turkiye"
write servers\ $+ $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text $+ .txt %addserv2 $+ : $+ %addserv1 $+ : $+ %addserv3 $+ : $+ %addserv4
unset %addserv1 %addserv2 %addserv3 %addserv4
alias -l {
if (!$did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text) { echo -at Lütfen kaldırmak istediğiniz Ağı seçin. | halt }
set %n $$?!="Kaldırmak istediğine emin misin? $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text "
if (%n) { .remove servers\ $+ $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text $+ .txt | | conn.load.serv }
unset %n
alias -l conn.rem.serv {
if (!$did($dname,201,$did($dname,201).sel).text) { echo -at Lütfen listeden kaldırmak istediğiniz sunucuyu seçin. | halt }
set %n $$?!="Kaldırmak istediğine emin misin? $did($dname,201,$did($dname,201).sel).text "
if (%n) {
%l = $read(servers\ $+ $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text $+ .txt,w,$did($dname,201,$did($dname,201).sel).text $+ *)
write -dl $+ $readn servers\ $+ $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text $+ .txt
unset %n %l
alias -l {
.server $did($dname,602).text $did($dname,505).text
set $did($dname,602).text $did($dname,505).text
set $did($dname,307)
var %nick = $did($dname,301)
var %anick = $did($dname,302)
if (%nick && %nick != $me) .nick %nick
elseif (!%nick) .nick Nick1
if (%anick) .anick %anick
else .anick Nick2
set %conn.ident.sel $did($dname,303).state
var %ident_a = $did($dname,305)
var %ident_b = $did($dname,306)
if (%conn.ident.sel) { .identd on $iif(%ident_a,$ifmatch,None) }
else { .identd on $iif(%ident_b,$ifmatch,None) }
set %conn.ident $iif(%ident_a,$ifmatch,None)
echo -a ok
dialog connect {
title "Bağlantı Menüsü"
size -1 -1 386 126
option dbu
box "Ağ", 100, 2 2 101 122
list 101, 4 10 97 100, size vsbar
button "Ekle", 102, 26 110 17 12
button "Sil", 103, 66 110 17 12
box "Servers", 200, 105 2 101 122
list 201, 107 10 97 100, size vsbar
button "Ekle", 202, 129 110 17 12
button "Sil", 203, 168 110 17 12
box "", 300, 208 2 176 44
text "Nick:", 2, 210 11 25 8, center
edit "", 301, 236 10 48 10, autohs
text "aNick:", 4, 210 23 25 8, center
edit "", 302, 236 22 48 10, autohs
radio "Ident:", 303, 290 10 38 10
radio "Restgele", 304, 290 22 44 10
edit "", 305, 334 10 48 10, autohs
edit "", 306, 334 22 48 10, read autohs
text "Bağlanınca Modlar:", 10, 275 35 58 8, center
edit "", 307, 334 34 48 10, autohs
box "", 400, 208 46 176 22
button "Bağlantı Kopar", 401, 210 53 43 12
button "Bağlan", 402, 278 53 37 12
button "Kapat", 403, 345 53 37 12, ok cancel
box "", 500, 208 68 61 56
check "Açılışta Bağlan", 501, 210 73 50 10
check "Açılışta Göster", 502, 210 90 50 10
text "Port:", 504, 209 111 16 8
combo 505, 228 109 40 50, size drop
box "", 600, 271 68 113 56
text "Server:", 601, 273 81 21 8
edit "", 602, 295 80 87 10, read center
text "ülke:", 603, 273 104 25 8
edit "", 604, 300 103 82 10, read center
on *:dialog:connect:*:*: {
if ($devent = init) {
if ($server != $null) { did -a $dname 602 $server | did -a $dname 600 Connected }
if ( { did -c $dname 501 }
if ( { did -c $dname 502 }
if (%conn.ident.sel) { did -c $dname 303 } | else { did -c $dname 304 }
did -a $dname 301 $me
did -a $dname 302 $anick
did -a $dname 305 %conn.ident
did -a $dname 306 $conn.rand.ident
did -a $dname 307
if ($devent = sclick) {
if ($did = 101) { did -r $dname 201 | did -z $dname 101 | did -z $dname 201 | conn.load.serv $did($dname,101,$did($dname,101).sel).text }
if ($did = 102) { }
if ($did = 103) { }
if ($did = 201) { did -z $dname 101 | did -z $dname 201 | did -r $dname 505 | did -r $dname 602 | did -r $dname 604 | $did($dname,201,$did($dname,201).sel).text }
if ($did = 202) { conn.add.serv }
if ($did = 203) { conn.rem.serv }
if ($did = 304) { did -r $dname 306 | did -a $dname 306 $conn.rand.ident }
if ($did = 401) { disconnect }
if ($did = 402) { }
if ($did = 501) { set $did($dname,501).state }
if ($did = 502) { set $did($dname,502).state }
if ($devent = dclick) {
if ($did = 201) { }
on *:start: {
if ( { conn }
if ( {
on *:connect:{
if $dialog(connect) { did -ra connect 602 $server | did -a connect 600 Bağlandı }
.mode $me