Ay: Mart 2014
Türkçe mIRC, mIRC indir, mIRC Download, Sohbet, Chat, TurkIRC
Türkçe mIRC, mIRC indir, mIRC Download, Sohbet, Chat, TurkIRC
Türkçe mIRC, mIRC indir, mIRC Download, Sohbet, Chat, TurkIRC
Türkçe mIRC, mIRC indir, mIRC Download, Sohbet, Chat, TurkIRC
Otomatik Unban Addon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
#unban on on @*:ban:#:{ if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { mode $chan -b $banmask } } on *:kick:#:{ if ($knick == $me) { .timer 1 2 /join $chan | set %knc $nick } } raw 474:*:{ chanserv unban $2 | join $2 } #unban end menu channel { Ban Koruması .On:/enable #unban .Off:/disable #unban } |
Notice ON/OFF Addon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
;credits to lindrian for the ($me isin $1-) on *:TEXT:*:#: { if (%noticeme == off) { halt } if (%noticeme == on) { if ($me isin $1-) notice $me $nick is talking about you } } alias noticeoff { if (%noticeme == off) { .notice $me its already off.. | HALT } if (%noticeme != off) { set %noticeme off | .notice $me Notice is off. } } alias noticeon { if (%noticeme == on) { .notice $me its already on.. | HALT } if (%noticeme != on) { set %noticeme on | .notice $me Notice is on. } |